Lymphatic Drainage Massage: Detox, Drain, Boost
Manual Lymphatic Drainage Vodder's Method is a unique advanced therapy which uses a range of specialised gentle rhythmic pumping techniques and skin manipulation to move the skin over the underlying tissues in the direction of the lymph flow, stimulating the musculature of the lymphatic vessels to remove toxic waste products, water retention, stimulate lymph nodes to produce antibodies and carry substances vital to the defence of the body. Manual Lymphatic Drainage renews, nourishes, strengthens and regenerates the cells and relaxes our Parasympathetic Nervous System which induces relaxation: it is also used post plastic surgery (e.g. facial surgery, liposuction, abdominoplasty) to reduce reduces pain, bruising and swelling, removed fat residues as well as preventing scarring and inflammation. It is widely used for the treatment of genetic lymphedema(prevention and control treatment), water retention and also where lymph nodes have been surgically removed.
MLD also boosts the immune system as our lymphocytes (white blood cells) are produced in the lymphnodes in or der to help the body fight off bacteria and viruses: the lymphatic system can become very sluggish over time due to our sedentary lifestyles and poor diet leading to fluid retention, bloating, constant tiredness, low immunity and frequent infections.
Duration: 45 | 60 | 90 mins
30 mins – £55 | 45mins - £70 | 60 mins - £85 | 90 mins - £135
- Head to toe detox treatment
- Removes Toxic Build-up, Oedema, Fluid Retention and Congestion
- Reduces Cellulite and excess weight
- Helps with digestive disorders
- Glandular Fever, ME (Chronic Fatigue), Migraine, Sinus, Hay Fever, Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Post recovery from Cosmetic Surgery and Cancer where Lymph nodes have been removed
- Assists Lymphoedema
- Improves Acne, Rosacea and other skin conditions
- Promotes healing of Scar Tissue
- Heals recurring infections
- Strengthens the Immune System
- Relieves stress, anxiety and tension
- Improves facial collagen production
- Cleaner and clearer skin
- essential post liposaction,liposculpture and abodominoplasty/tommy tuck treatment